Saturday, March 27, 2010

The face of hate

A man with an Obama bumper sticker becomes the victim of road rage. Given the level of rhetoric coming from the right wing media - and no attempt to dial it down by so-called Republican leaders - this is not surprising.


  1. The rise in violence is VERY scary. Sarah Palin using the words "reload" and keep them in your "crosshairs" is VERY IRRESPONSIBLE!

  2. Oh for SUGAR's SAKE!

    We really aren't blaming one republican retard for another's actions now are we?

    What ever happened to "The DEVIL made me do it." or "AC/DC Lyrics made me do it."

    Sarah Palin made you do it?!

    The only way a jury would accept that is if you heard, "Yeah sure! Ya betcha!Let's compare this to SPORTS!" ......from your German Shepherd.

    Come on now!

  3. I don't think Sarah Palin could make the average person do ANYTHING, but with fringe nuts out there, this type of talk is, again, in my opinion, VERY IRRESPONSIBLE. Why is there any need to use this type of rhetoric at all?
