Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cultural Festival

A student told me about a cultural festival at a local high school. About a dozen countries were represented.
They showed off the arts and crafts from their country and their world famous celebrities. Sadly, the Romania picture did not come out. They had outstanding meatballs AND a large picture of Nadia Comenici. The girl asked, "Do you know who she is?" I replied, "I'm old enough to remember her in the Olympics." The girl was shocked anyone could be that old.

Every country was giving away food. Lots and lots of food.

Being on the diet I couldn't try most of the stuff. Bummer.

In the American booth there's a big tribute to Michael Jackson and surprising large Michael Jordan poster. Click on it to see who they highlighted. Confession: I have no idea who Taylor Swift is...

The festival organizers put Iran and the US next to each other. I doubt that was a coincidence. Also, the flag looks a little odd but I think they got the fifty stars right.


  1. Taylor Swift is a country / pop music sensation. She came on the scene about when you left the USA.

    Interesting that most of the pictures are devoted to rap stars. Where was the picture of George W. Bush??

  2. Thank you... I feel better...

    But, please, sign your name!

