Monday, March 22, 2010

Moderating comments

While I appreciate Justice Alito's comment on health care below it's pretty clear that I need to change the comment controls on the blog.

I have two options: Require that all comments be approved. I would approve any comment by someone I know even when critical. (I'm pretty sure I know Justice Alito's secret identity.) I'm not a big fan of this because I kinda appreciate it when multiple friends and family members pile on. With moderating comments that would go out the window.

The second option would be to require commenters to register with me. That's a better option because once you're registered you can fire away and I promise I won't delete. The problem? People won't sign up.

I know I'm cranky tonight. I'll try to give this some thought when I'm in a better mood.

1 comment:

  1. I would sign up too. But I am wondering what was wrong with Alito's comments. I hadn't read it, so I went back to see what the problems was (I just assumed it would be a post regarding HCR)I expected name calling or something, but it just seems to be facts. In case you're wondering, it wasn't me, but I wish it were. So can you tell me what upset you so I don't make the same mistake? (Although this question may also be a mistake, so forgive me.)
