Thursday, March 25, 2010

I made it through the rain...

OK, I'll try not to break into Barry Manilow because, really? It's still raining.

This has been the longest, most trying week since my first semester. It's over. I will shut the phone off and crank the fan on the AC so I don't hear fighting cats in the morning (which is what usually wakes me up) and I hope to sleep until at least noon.

Unrelated, today I went to a workshop where Ann was one of the presenters.

It's the first time I've seen her present since speech contests in HS. In other words, it's been over 20 years. She did a fantastic job and was very engaging. Ann and I have very different teaching styles and it's interesting because I think hers is best for what she does and I'm pretty confident that mine is best for what I do. She teaches English skills which requires more student interaction where I teach content which requires more standard lecture... Today's workshop was on student interaction and Ann presented ideas I haven't tried.

I may be an old dog but when it comes to teaching I'm very willing to learn new tricks. It was a great way to end a bad week.

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