Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Want to see where I live?

Hmmm... fortunately, I don't own a van or that question would be creepy...

First, copy these coordinates. Highlight them with your mouse and use the right mouse click and copy:


After you open the link below use the right mouse click to paste.

The sandy area next to the roundabout is where they built this apartment. The location is great. If only these were decent apartments I'd have no problem living here.

In less than 30 days I will be back in Iowa. Yippee! May I request an improvement in the weather before I return?


  1. Um, let me think about it...


    Anyone who is bragging about the beautiful weather while we are all dressed up like the kid in Christmas Story who can barely walk due to all the layers - well, you just don't get my sympathy.

    Hope you have a winter coat handy when you get back!

  2. Hopefully whomever meets you at the airport will conveniently "forget" to bring a warm coat for you with them!!!

    Did you have any chance to make any inquiries in Kathmandu about my friend or his brothers? Just asking.

  3. In order to get phone service, I went to a number of different lines at Etisalat. The first stop was the "surveyor." I gave him a very carefully drawn location map. It was very simple and clear and accurate. He couldn't figure it out. I had a look at his computer screen (he was using a google-like satellite map) and found it for him. Took 3-5 seconds. I kept my eye on this guy as I made my way through the other lines. He sat there with his hands folded for well over an hour with nothing to do. Maybe he could use the time to learn how to read a bloody map...

  4. I can't help but notice how completely unreliable the city's street system appears to be. There's a 3rd street running north-south and then east-west. And there's a 19th street in the North part and another 19th street in the southern part. I am confused how anyone can get anywhere. It would be nice to have a gps system in your car.

  5. Good point. I studied the google maps before I arrived and they were basically useless. The street numbers are nothing that ANYONE here relates to. Some know the roundabouts... so I can say I live in Khabisi on the Prowzenick RA and they'll know where I am.

    Most need more than that... "I'm one RA down from Al Jimi Mall" is much more effective than giving my address.
    Before I arrived Ann told me that nobody goes by street signs or NSEW directions. I doubted her, but, well, she's right.
    Giving directions here is not fun.

  6. To answer Peachie's question: I printed out your e-mail and showed it to many people. Nobody had a clue how to reach the former Coe student. There is no phonebook in Kathmandu. There certainly is no 411.
    The Nepali people have to be the most tryingly helpful people I have ever met. They wanted to connect me but had absolutely no idea how to do it.

  7. Gina & Jim,

    Yes, the street numbering has not been the result of...foresight. To get to my house, turn onto 17th St, then 21st, then 21st. Right. Yesterday, it was really fun giving directions to the cable guy.

    By the way, Steve et al., this is Andrew. "Anonymous" was the simplest way to post. I'm not hiding my identity, really. However, in the future, when I post nasty things about you, "Anonymnous" is someone else.
