Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rick Warren

Obama's picked a pro-life homophobe to deliver the invocation at his inauguration. It's his inauguration and he can pick whoever he wants. However, I don't see the wisdom in the pick. Then again, I didn't see the wisdom in his zen "deal with your enemies" attitude with Lieberman.

What I don't like is his reasoning for the pick: Obama basically says "I was invited to speak to his crowd even though they know I disagree with them so I'll let him speak to my crowd."

Umm, Mr. President-elect, are you really equating a speech at a church with giving an invocation at a presidential inaugural? If so I'm not sure I want you handling TARP funds. "Oh, they gave us some overvalued property so we gave them $3 billion. It's all fair."

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased with Obama's choice. I think it shows a clear sign that this president will try to bring all sides together in the spirit of common ground. Yes, there are some major differences, but we can't resolve differences if we don't start with a dialogue.

    Besides, after the girls from La Cage go prancing down Pennsylvania Avenue, no one will remember that Rev. Warren ever spoke.
