Monday, December 29, 2008

Taking lack of sleep to a whole new level

You may read the ridiculously long post below and wonder, "Does Steve have a life?" Nah, of course not. I just don't sleep.

At 3AM yesterday morning I completed the cheater's full proof exam: Eight different versions. I was very satisfied with myself because in the land of A+ cheaters I had devised the perfect weapon. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I took an Ambien. I was still reading news around 4AM. The clock woke me at 6AM. I left to print my cheat-proof tests by 7AM.

Two hours sleep. No big deal; done that before. Well, it's 4AM again and I'm still not asleep.

For those keeping score that's now 2 hours of sleep in 44 hours.

I have to wonder to what degree my internet addiction is to blame. Surely if I had no blog, google news, or e-mail I'd be asleep by now.

My experience in Nepal proved it.

Helped by a little Ambien.

1 comment:

  1. So when you come home we have to hold an intervention with you regarding your internet addiction? I'm not sure how we're going to fit that in to the schedule...maybe somewhere between the inauguration and getting a decent cut of beef.
