Monday, December 15, 2008

Nepal Day 2 - Katmandu Durbar Square

Every major city has our equivalent of a town square called a "Durbar". On our second day Ann and I walked down to Katmandu's Durbar. Here you see bulls sitting peacefully amongst thousands of pigeons.
The scene was quite pretty. Being white western, Ann and I were charged a fee to walk around. This was repeated many times during our trip. I'm not complaining; the fee was small ($2.50) and if anything I wish they had charged more to help with the upkeep.
Being a city square it was a place that many people simply met to talk and relax. These are people far too poor to afford any of the luxuries we enjoy with our free time.
We came upon this ceremony. With the few braincells I have left I'm not sure if it was Hindu or Buddhist (help, Ann). I'm going to say it was Hindu. The girls are being married to earth before they grow up and become married to a man.


  1. I'm going to guess Hindu too. Is there a prize?

  2. Nope. I'm 99% sure it was Hindu. If my trip taught me anything it's that Hindu's are much more relaxed than the Christians or Muslims but still much more uptight than Buddhists.
