Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sweet lemon rationalizing

I really, really wanted to teach summer school. Work-wise I learned last summer that it's not a bad gig. Money-wise it would help a lot.

It's not going to happen.

And like a guy who bites into a lemon and says, "Wow, that's so sweet!" I am beginning to believe it is for the best. In my first year I spent most of January back home. It was definitely a re-charge of the batteries. This year I didn't do it because the weather is fantastic here and so horrible in Iowa that I couldn't justify making the trip.

Nine months of constantly having to dumb down your words, however, takes a toll. Add to that a, "I will be your friend as long as I feel I can get something from you" mentality.

If offered summer school I would still take it. I learned last year that summer here is a different world. The list of summer courses has been released and I'm not on it. I wasn't last year but was added at the last minute. The odds are lower this year.

So I'm not getting what I want but I'll happily bite into this lemon and say, "Wow, this tastes like sugar!"

I wanted to upload pics from a night from the Rugby Club (one of the four bars in this city of 400,000). For reasons I don't know, blogger the upload feature in blogger is not working.

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