28 days from this moment I will be sitting the Dubai airport (or more likely standing in a line) waiting to fly home. My goal is to be at 190 by that time. If my one week off the diet proved anything it is that I can gain a lot in a very short time. I know I'm screwed being home for 93 days. No low carb diet is possible when there's new potatoes to be eaten.
That's why it is important to take off every pound I can while I am still here. I want to be able to gain 10 back this summer and not feel bad. Oh, who am I kidding? If I return to the Emirates anywhere under 210 it will be a miracle.
I find it difficult to maintain a low-carb diet for a long time because we eat pizza 3 times a week (at least). So, I figure at some point I need to just manage my calories. Which brings me to my question - have you found a way to limit carbs to a certain level, or match them in a meal with extra protein to keep their craving inducing effect to a minimum?