Monday, October 5, 2009

A Sally Fields moment

I met with my boss today and he offered a four year extension on my contract (which is better than the normal two year extension).  I said, “That’s very nice but I still have a year and a half on this contract…”

Compared to the rest of the industrialized world the US has few worker protections.  I now work in a country that has even less.  We’ve all heard stories of a person doing his job one day and the next day quietly shuttled to the airport.  Yet, I feel the most safety and support working here than I have anywhere.  To have a boss who appreciates my abilities as a teacher and offers respect on administrative issues is… well, it gives me a nice warm feeling inside.

Some wish I’d move home tomorrow.  Before any of them get upset (cough, Denise), I need to explain that even if I do sign a contract extension it does not lock me into staying here for a total of seven years.  After my first three year contract I can leave without penalty (if I left today I’d have to repay part of my housing allowance). 

I know I will eventually want to return to teach in the US.  In the meantime I have a pretty sweet gig.


  1. Um, I think you forgot someone else who would be upset! (cough)

    You aren't seriously considering this are you? I mean I enjoy your blog and all, but I think most of us would rather have you home in the USA.

    I hope you're only kidding...

  2. I am giving you the hairy eyeball.

  3. Again, I don't see myself here for seven years. Six tops.

    In reality you hear much more from me with this blog than you ever did when I lived in Iowa!

  4. While this is true - part of it had to do with how stressed you were with your job. So, if you have a different job when you get back - I have hopes that I would hear more from you. And now that I'm on FB as well - it is much easier.

    SIX YEARS? Ugh.

  5. Okay, Steve, I take exception to that. I SAW you at least once a week when you were in Iowa, let alone any phone/email conversation we had.

    And on a purely selfish note, I miss your cooking, dammit. Six years without your pot roast may just push me over the edge.

  6. The "six years" was a joke... like saying "No way could I do 20, but 19 would be fine..."

    I check Kirkwood's website on a regular basis. If something good came open I'm willing to move back to the cold winters, hot summers, high taxation, no maid, pump my own gas, do my own laundry, paint my own walls life in Iowa.
