Friday, October 23, 2009

Coe's eco-house

Four Coe students are trying to minimize their carbon footprint and live as environmentally-friendly as possible.

It's a nice, feel-good story.

There's one line, however that made me chuckle, "The four have buying produce at farmers markets, worked at an organic farm in exchange for fresh vegetables, walk or bike to campus..."

Coe is four blocks long and two blocks wide and this house is two blocks from campus. Of course they walk to campus! Finding a parking spot would take more time.


  1. As I recall, there are several spots available for parking bikes on campus, not to mention they CAN be taken inside a building if need be; hence, even tho it is a scant 2blocks, riding a bike isn't out of the question (altho I am assuming it was a generic statement as something that COULD be done but isn't necessarily BEING done).
