Friday, October 23, 2009

But you look very nice!

I'm sitting at Cosi's, a restaurant that offers internet service, and a guy just walked by in a nice shirt and tie. A second later the mind-blowing body odor hit me.

I'm constantly amazed at how many professional people here have such incredibly bad hygiene. Sure, we have plenty of stinkers in the US but the ratio here is higher than it should be.


  1. When you first went over there, didn't you have a complaint about not being able to find non-aerosol deodorant? Maybe the guy is trying to do his part to save the environment!

  2. Who cares about the environment when our olfactory nerves are at stake!

  3. I've found the solid antiperspirants... and if a worker how makes no money smells I don't think much of it... but a professional?
