Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rock star

At tonight's forum for freshmen women each faculty member was introduced. I was fifth out of six. As the four before me were introduced the ladies clapped politely. When they introduced me the applause was loud and a "Wooooo!"

If I had high self esteem I would have smiled with pride like Joey. But I don't, so I spent the next half hour trying to figure out why I got that reaction. My only explanation is that last term I taught only Principles of Management so I have had more of them in my classes than the other guys.

While it was a little embarrassing I guess it is better than being booed or hissed at.


  1. Was your zipper up?

  2. There are just so many comments to be made and I am going to exert a lot of restraint here. Yes, it is unlike me, I know...

  3. At least give back a courtesy smile buddy!
