Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tucker Max, Part I

I had no idea of the Tucker Max phenomena a mere four days ago. Oh, what I've been missing. His note at the beginning of the book is proper foreshadowing:
My real name is Tucker Max. Unless a full name is used, all other names are pseudonyms.
All the events depicted in the stories are completely true. Only certain dates, characteristics, and places are changed to protect me from criminal prosecu tion or civil liability.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed living it.
The story is one he wrote on his blog over a couple of years that was compiled into a book. The story is of a good looking intelligent guy who doesn't give a damn about any woman and very few men besides close friends. To use Freudian language, it's a man purely living up his id. No conscious thought of the consequences of his actions, only thought to where the alcohol and his dick will take him on any given night.
And it's a fascinating story.
If there is an "anti-Tucker Max" in the world I'd have to be in the running (although I know my friend Robby would win). It would be easy to dismiss him as vile. I think it's more important to understand what he has to say: Guys at their basic nature want to get drunk and get laid, preferably in that order. I won't strongly disagree with that. He also views most women as needy and insecure and secretly willing to do incredibly kinky things. On that one I simply have no idea. I do not find most women as needy and insecure and if they want to do kinky things they simply don't tell me about it.


  1. I read through your postings on "Tucker Max" and think you probably know several of them. Or knew several. I can think of a couple from your frat right now. And Those Who Know And Love Me know that I dated a couple of "Tucker Max" types, during which time I probably was needy and insecure (no comment on the kinky still don't need to know).

    I've also learned that as much as some people would like to believe most men have some "Tucker Max" traits, I tend to disagree. The best ones don't and those are the truly successful ones. The others have some really bad karmic debt to repay.

    And JS and case you find yourselves reading this...your debt is HUGE.

  2. I don't think I know many Tucker Max types. Seriously. Even having hung out with the frat. I knew a lot of guys who slept around a lot - but really, none without a conscience. I used to call one a slut and he would get offended and hurt.

    Perhaps you could refresh my memory, but I really, really don't remember any of the guys being Tucker Max types. Even my ex-bf, who had some serious faithfulness issues, is not even remotely close!

    I agree with denise that most men don't have a lot of Tucker Max traits. I do think most guys ages 14 and over think with something other than their brains, but they tend to gain more control over that in their mid-20s usually. And most college students go out and party - not to the extent that apparently Tucker Max does/did though!

    Maybe I'm still naive and I need to read the book - but I have NO intention of buying it (not giving royalties to that guy!).
