Monday, December 28, 2009

A very expensive trip to McDonalds

I've done some really dumb things in life. Accidentally throwing my car keys in the river, picking up the wrong kid from daycare are but two of the long list.

I met Mike at the mall food court. My Mcdonald's came much faster than his Subway. I sat and the read the news on my IPhone and my Big Mac while I waited for Mike. After finishing supper we dumped our food and I headed off for a haircut a couple of blocks away and Mike was going to join me after doing some shopping.

After I finished my haircut I panicked. No IPhone. The last time I had it was on the tray with the Big Mac.

Mike and I raced back to the mall and as we got to the trash bins they were taking out the bags. We explained there may be a phone in there (on vibrate so calling it wouldn't help).

The workers dutifully moved the trash out of the bag most likely to have the phone. There was so much liquid I thought, "Great, if we find the phone it will be trashed." They got to the bottom and no phone. They weren't 100% sure which bag came from the bin we put it in so they went to bag #2. No phone. Bag #3. Ditto. I gave each guy a $5 tip for their disgusting work (which, sadly, is probably worth half a day's salary).

We went out to my car to look again. Mike kept calling it and got nothing. Using the flashlight feature on his phone he found it under the driver's seat.

I nearly passed out.


  1. I want to hear more about picking up the wrong kid at daycare.

  2. What surprises me the most is that this is just the first time you've almost lost the phone. I would've thought by now you would've gone through a couple of those things.

    So all in all....Good Job, Steve!!

  3. And I've gown 15 months with just one set of car keys! (Knock on the closest thing to wood I have near me.)

    The two year anniversary of the daycare incident is coming up this spring. I might be up to telling the story by then.

  4. For the record, I do know the difference between "gown" and "gone"... I just wish blogger allowed comments to be edited.
