Thursday, December 10, 2009

RIP Public Option

Huffington Post has an article on the death of the public option.

If the current compromise bill passes it will be better than anything I've been expecting... which is why I'm expecting something to trip it up. It's got cost containment, a Medicare buy-in, expanded Medicaid, and guarantee of coverage without pre-existing conditions. Could it be better? Sure, but this is light years better than our current system.

It's great for the country and it's good for me. Under the current system I could not return to the US without another job lined up. I have far too many pre-existing conditions and would have no prayer of getting private insurance. If this bill passes I will be able to return to the US on my own terms and you have no idea how wonderful that would feel.


  1. Don't you mean guaranteed coverage WITH pre-existing conditions (i.e., cannot be refused coverage b/c of pre-existing conditions)? And I just have one question. If they are going to offer Medicare coverage to 55 year old individuals who cannot afford health coverage, won't that drain the Medicare coffers even faster than currently predicted? As a Medicare recipient w/ no plans to die soon, I am not sure I like that.

  2. The Medicare option is to allow someone to buy in at the full price of the premium. Right now many in that age group can't get insurance because, well, they are in that age group. Later there will be a subsidy for those low income 55-64 year olds who don't make much money, but that would not come from the Medicare stream of money, it would come from the general fund.
