Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Choir

The Inter-Continental is the hotel where the score is food poisoning 2, Steve 0. I risked a third meal... hoping that they'd have everything extraordinarily clean for serving several hundred guests.

The event was a Christmas Choir that was fantastic. Having a large group sing Christmas carols was fun and their versions of Rudolph and Sleigh Ride were the best I've heard.

As I looked around the room, the song "Dreaming of a white Christmas" took on new meaning. Since I've moved to this country I've never seen so many white westerners in one place.

Here's Ann and I in the lobby.


  1. So, is the food poisoning count now food poisoning 2, Steve 1? I sure hope so for your sake!

    And that is a great picture of you and Ann!

  2. It's now been over 12 hours, so I can safely say the worse kinds of food poisoning won't happen. I did learn from Nepal, however, that it can have a two week incubation period... but both times that happened it was much more mild.

  3. You know Steve, the beard is very becoming on you, very distinguished.

  4. See, it is not just me who thinks your beard looks good on you!
