Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lake Al Ain

This is very near where I live. I've never seen a lake in this country.

Many people came out to see Lake Al Ain. It's obviously a rare event.

The wet roads make for fun play for the Shabab. This truck kept doing donuts and delighting the audience standing on the bank of the wadi.

("Shabab" technically means "young" but I've only heard it used in reference to young guys. "Wadi" means "river." There are no rivers in this country and what you see in this picture is a bridgeless wadi. It's like a dry creek bed that they put a road through. Amazingly they also constructed huge river banks like you see the audience standing on. These are all over the city. Considering it never rains enough to actually fill a wadi I'm not sure why these were built.)

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