Sunday, March 1, 2009

Women's campus

This term I teach in the same classroom for all of my classes on the womens' campus. These pics are taken from my window. The campus is much larger than is shown in these pics. I simply wanted you to get a feel for what I see every day.


  1. I don't think you would have gotten that kind of office view from Coe. Some profs don't even have windows do they?!

  2. Where are the flowers like they have on the men's campus......or are they in the parts of the women's campus we don't see?

  3. There are flowers right under the window from which I took this picture.

    I don't know what the rules are about taking pictures on the women's campus. Female students are not allowed to have cell phones with cameras because they might accidentally take a picture of another woman who has chosen to be covered in public.

    At the cultural events the girls bring cameras and take pictures of each other, but at those events those who choose to be covered are covered.

    The bottom line is that I would love to show more of the women's campus but I'm not going to risk offending anyone.
