Friday, March 6, 2009

New apartment

This is the front "living room". It is 480 square feet (larger than the entire apartment I'm living in now.) Light is streaming in from the balcony that runs along the front of the room. There's a bathroom on the right hand side (out of the picture).

The great news is that I can throw parties. The bad news is that I have no friends.

This is the view from the living room doorway that it is in the center of the first picture. On the left (out of view) is the door into the apartment. The first door on the left is a bathroom. Straight ahead is the small bedroom, the door next is bedroom number #2. On the right side of the picture is the door to the large bedroom and the kitchen.

The area on the left side of the picture is supposed to be dining. I'll use the front room for dining and living room. I'm getting a large wardrobe to put along that left wall. Because, as nice as the place is, there is not a single closet anywhere.
This is the view of the kitchen. Plenty of storage space (you're only seeing half of it). Why they chose a 1970's style finish is beyond me. Notice the single shallow sink. I have no idea how people do dishes in this country.

On the left side you can barely see a door that goes to a tiny balcony off the kitchen...
On that tiny balcony you can look out and see your neighbor's tiny balcony.
This is the master bedroom. I'll be using it as my guest bedroom and it will have a queen sized bed. It will be a wonderful place to stay for you visitors. You’ll They'll even have your their own bathroom!

I was trying to be subtle. Did it work?

This is bedroom #2. It will be my office/work area. I love the light in this room.

This is the small bedroom which will be my bedroom. I have curtains that are dark and will cover the entire window.
Here's the view out of my bedroom window. Why they didn't make our compound a little larger is mind boggling. There is nothing but desert on three sides.

Another view out of the office/work area room.


  1. Correction - you have friends. They just live in the US.

  2. Where is the faucet for the kitchen sink? Otherwise it appears as though you have gotten a pretty good deal.

  3. Marty, I noticed that too. Maybe since Steve got three bedrooms, they couldn't spring for a faucet.

    Beautiful place, Steve. And if I find the right combination of sedatives, I might see it in person some day.

  4. Why are you not using the master bedroom as your bedroom? Tell me in terms that will make sense, please.

  5. The master bedroom faces the master bedroom of the apartment next to me. And it is a south facing window.

    My new "small" bedroom is still larger than my current bedroom.

    I'm not moving yet. I'll wait until they put the faucet in and install electricity!
