Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's a beautiful day!

The suspension system on my car is seriously screwed but I'm still singing...

Why? My follow up Dr. appointment was in-and-out. I had a book and fully charged IPhone because I was expecting hours to wait. And the news from the doc was fantastic: My cholesterol was only 230. That number is not good by normal standards and, yes, I need to take Lipitor... but considering that I am normally pushing butter through my veins the number is unbelievably good. (I have had multiple readings in the past over 400.)

Later I found a place that made copies of my apartment key. (I’ve locked myself out several times.) Before you yawn, you have to understand: It is really hard to get this done. I’ve tried for a year to find some place to do it. I even brought the key home last summer and tried to find a place in Cedar Rapids. Nobody could do it because the key was an odd Italian type not available in the US. Getting keys copied made me really, really happy.

OK, yawn. I guess I can’t quite explain why it’s such a big deal.

I also saw Pixar's "How to train Dragons." Pixar simply doesn't make a bad movie, but this is one of the best.

After dropping my hobbled car off to get fixed I walked home. It took me three hours. My feet are sore but I feel great.

It's a beautiful day!

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