Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Lately I've been headaches on a regular basis. I can't find any pattern... it's not connected to alcohol, lack of sleep, or caffeine.

When starting a low carb diet people often get headaches (the body loves carbs and doesn't appreciate it when it is deprived of them), but I've been on the diet long enough now that that can't explain it.

This morning it was bad enough I almost canceled classes. I'm sure - 100% sure - the students would have been OK with that. By the afternoon it had subsided a bit but it's still with me tonight.

Anyhow, that's why you are not getting a more interesting post today. I'm going to bed early with the hope of waking up tomorrow with it gone.


  1. Hope you are feeling better Steve.

  2. How do you KNOW it is not connected/related to alcohol, caffeine or sleep.......or restarting the diet? I would bet money it is one of those things.

  3. Who bets money? Bet alcohol, caffeine or sleep.

