Saturday, June 12, 2010

Student e-mails

This semester I have received only a handful of e-mails. I preemptively told two classes, "I will be giving you 5 marks (percent) which is the most I'm allowed by the college to give. Please, please do not beg for more." Even with the admonition, it was students from those classes that you have read about for the past couple of days.

For my other three classes I didn't send any notice yet only received two pleas for a better grade. One was from a student with decent scores but always came late. Getting a 10/100for participation gave her a C+ when she would have otherwise had a B+. She's not happy and I don't care.

The other was a student with a solid B who was scared she was going to fail. Her e-mail plea was that I would simply pass her. Note to all students everywhere: An e-mail like that makes your teacher wonder, "Umm, do I need to back and check your tests to see if you should have a lower score?"

One student I failed saw his grade and wrote, "I knew it would happen. I look forward to seeing you again next semester."

Although I enjoyed having him in class I hope he scores higher than 51% next semester.

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