Thursday, October 14, 2010


Tonight a local hotel celebrated Octoberfest.  I'm a good German so I knew I had to partake.
The music of the night?  Salsa and techno.  I may be mistaken but that's not exactly German.  The food wasn't anything I'd call German either:  Hot wings and vegetarian skewers... excuse me?  Has your chef met a German?

I was happy that a born-and-raised German friend confirmed for me that this was anything but Octoberfest.... "but, hey, at least the beer is good" was her reply.

Yeah, the country that gave the culinary world sauerkraut was at least good enough to create good beer.  In other words:  Want good food?  Go to Italy or France.  Want good beer?  Go to Germany.   

It wouldn't be a German event without a contest.  These guys are trying to drink their beer the fastest to win a prize.  Guess who won?

If you guessed the fat guy in the orange shirt you win.

Later, two friends won a dancing contest.  I guess we'll be coming back. 

1 comment:

  1. In the spirit of Oktoberfest, George and I are testing off-beat beers throughout the month. Lots of good stuff, but still have 5 bottles of "400 Pound Monkey" in the fridge. Nasty!
