Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Get me some sleep!

I'm going on 4 days with less sleep than I can count on my fingers.  I'm down to a handful of braincells.

Long story short:  My students saw the picture above and were wowed.  It's safe to say they've never seen anything like it.  "Why," one asked, "would you live here when you could live there?"


  1. Sorry to hear sleep eludes you. This is a beautiful picture. Is this looking west from the farm?

  2. I saw that and yearned. And I currently have mountains and ocean to view.


  3. It was taken at sunrise facing west down by the popcorn patch. I love the picture, but let's face it: Iowa doesn't always look so nice! Part of the reason we Iowans appreciate this beauty and the days of good weather is that we get so little of it!
