Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have to one of the few people in the world that does not enjoy or look forward to vacations. Oh, I like lounging around and spending hours on the internet; I can't deny that... but it's always with guilt that I should be doing something. So for virtually every vacation I set goals of what I will accomplish. And, of course, I never meet them.

This vacation is over. Classes start on Sunday. I'm trying not to be too down on myself for the lack of accomplishments. Vacations are supposed to be about sleeping in and not taking a shower until 6PM, right? If only I could convince myself.

Related news: I might, just might be home for my birthday next September. Given the timing of Ramadan this year (and the eid celebration/vacation that follows it) it doesn't make much sense to start classes and after the first week send everyone home for a week of vacation... so the thinking is that we'll start after that week of vacation. That would mean a start of September 19th at the earliest.

My birthday is on Thursday September 16. The idea of being home for a big birthday party is very appealing... with me getting on a plane the next morning to make it in time for the first class on Sunday.


  1. It would be great to have you home later. But would you have to stay longer in the spring or summer?

  2. Don't be too down on yourself, Steve. Vacations are an important part of the work cycle designed to give you a break from the requirements of the job and to recharge your batteries. Recharging doesn't necessarily mean you have to have goals around other stuff -- sometimes the body and mind just need to switch to off mode. It's healthy!!

  3. Wow, I guess we're going to have one heck of a heat wave in September then!

  4. Or the earliest snowfall on record...

    The late start will probably mean we'll only get a week or two off in January. As a non-Muslim I do not enjoy being in the country during Ramadan so the idea of coming back after it has me absolutely elated.
