Friday, February 19, 2010

Dean Smith

Sometimes you wonder how the brain works. I knew about Roy Williams' outrageous Haiti comments for days before I posted the Kansas pic. I even wrote the Kansas post without mentioning his horrible comment and only added it as an update. Roy Williams is now the coach at UNC.

Today, February 20, I'm wondering if something in my subconscious led me to that post. In college I knew nothing about UNC (or it's previous coach, Dean Smith) until Spellman told me about him. He was an ardent admirer of Smith as a guy who - coaching in a southern state - did more for desegregating than any other coach.

February 19th also happens to be Spellman's birthday.

I can't think of a single day in the past 13 years since his death where he hasn't been in my thoughts but certain days - birthday, first heart attack, his wedding anniversary, date of his death - that generate more thoughts. Subconsciously, I have to believe it led to my post below pointing out what a prick Dean Smith's successor is...

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