Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't do this to me

On Sunday I started the low carb diet. Nuts are the best snack while on the diet. I bought some this morning and when I tried to open it the tab broke. It was like a Warner Brothers' cartoon as I had to hack away at it get it open.

Usually three days into this diet I feel like crap. (The body really misses carbs.) So far it's going OK. I've had no major cravings. If I could maybe, you know, exercise I'm sure that would help.


  1. Did you have to use any Acme TNT to get it open?

  2. Maybe you are getting used to the diet - seemed like for me, the first time was the worst and I think it was the lack of sugar!

  3. Wasn't there a Simpsons episode about the same thing? Except it was a can of Duff Beer with no opener.

  4. I remember the Simpsons episode. I should show a picture of the can after I got it open. It's not pretty.
