Monday, February 1, 2010


Over the past few days I've found some wonderful stories about the wonders of bacon. I can't wait to share them with you. In the meantime here's some pics from my friend Rishi:

I think it looks fabulous... God bless his artery clogged heart.

On FB he makes it clear that the corn was added "mostly for scientific and psychological reasons."

Update: Rishi needed to correct my quote. It should be "physiological" not "psychological." Apparently he was concerned eating this without corn would have the same effect as the government giving our grandparents five pounds of cheese every couple of weeks.

Oh, how I miss the nachos from those government cheese give-aways.


  1. Absolutely disgusting. Apparently Rishi does not have cholesteral problems!! Corn aside, are those hot dogs inside what I am guessing is a meatloaf? (I think I just threw up in my mouth!)

  2. My apologies to those of you with high cholesterol, but I'd like to try a bite of that.
