Saturday, February 6, 2010

Game Change - The Republican primary

There's much less interesting stuff in the Republican primary contest. Although McCain's campaign was given last rites by the media in the summer of 2007 he stayed in because he perceived (correctly) that the rest of the field was weak. Given the winner-take-all rules of many of the Republican primaries McCain won - not because he was most popular - but that Huckabee, Romney, and Thompson split the conservative vote.

Anyhow, here goes:
  • After a 4th of July trip to Iraq he quipped, "I'm the only one I know who would go to Iraq to get away from it all."
  • Giuliani, McCain and Huckabee were all taking a piss before a debate. While doing their business they made fun of Romney "Poking fun at him, mocking him, agreeing how much they disliked him." Of course, Romney walked in... (293)
  • "McCain routinely called Romney an 'asshole' and a 'fucking phony.' Giuliani opined, 'That guy will say anything.' Huckabee complained, 'I don't think Romney has a soul." (294) Ouch, that's harsh coming from a preacher!

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