Monday, February 8, 2010

Elections matter - producing results matters more

After many years of a corrupt President leading the country to ruin, the people had hope. They voted for change. Thousands took to the streets in the largest political rallies ever seen. The hard-line government was crushed. The liberals promised reforms and the people cheered.

Many years later the reforms had failed to materialize and the people became disillusioned. At the next election many stayed home and the forces of darkness returned to power.

This is the story of Ukraine 2010... And I hope it's not a preview of our future.


  1. Yes, I will delete anonymous comments... and even some that are signed if they are particularly obnoxious. I'd prefer not to go to the "preview comments" before publishing route.

  2. Have you read this Steve? Were you an anonymous donor?

  3. Interesting. I can't believe anyone would miss him.
