Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ahh, the mysteries of life

A few days ago some students made an extraordinary play to get added to an already too full class. Since there were two other half empty sections available they were told "no" by lowly peons (the registration people and me) my boss and my boss' boss. An e-mail was issued to all parties that this was not going to happen, no way, no how.

Today the class met and they are in it.


  1. I'm interested to find out how they managed this...

  2. Did they just show up, or are they also on your student roster now?

  3. They are on the roster. I played dumb, "Wow, I can't believe you got into the class. It's no problem to have you here but how did it happen?" I got a lame "the other sections didn't match our schedule" response.

  4. Did the person with "wasta" get in?

  5. The guy with wasta ended up not trying (another course opened that he wanted). Given how things played out this week I'm pretty sure he could have if he wanted to.
