Saturday, February 6, 2010

Game Change - After the election

Here goes:
  • Hillary flew to Chicago with the plan to kill the Secretary of State request before it became official. Quoting James Carville she said, "Once you're asked, you're fucked."
  • Hillary warmed to the idea when she realized returning to the senate was not going to be what she hoped. "She had come back thinking her campaign had enhanced her status, that she could snag herself some kind of plum position." Kennedy and Reid shot her down. "Behind the scenes (Reid) and Schumer were beseeching the Obamans to take Hillary off their hands." (432-433)
  • In debating Obama against taking the Secretary of State position she said of her husband, "You know I can't control him, and at some point he'll be a problem."

Wow. There you have it. It feels like I spent as much time explaining this book as I did reading it.


  1. And I feel like I don't have to read it now - thanks, Steve!

  2. Awesome commentaries, Steve. That does sound like an interesting book. Thanks for the review.

  3. Thanks to both of you! As a political geek it was about as good as it could get.
