Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ukrainian elections

Ukraine is going to the polls today. Sadly, the pro-Russian candidate is considerably ahead. Who cares? The last election in 2004 was considered a fraud and the people took to the streets to protest.
It was called the Orange Revolution and it led to new elections where the pro-western candidate won. Unfortunately, fighting broke out among the two leaders of the pro-western side and not much was accomplished. Ukraine entered the recession earlier than the rest of the world and hit much harder - GDP down 10%, currency down 60%.

So the reforms never really happened and the economy failed. It's not surprising that a pro-Russian candidate is likely to win today.

It's sad. Although the people above won the battle to have a new election in 2004, they lost the war and now don't care. They'll sit idle while an evil pro-Russian leader takes over and things will undoubtedly get worse, but it's hard to blame them for not caring anymore.

Hmm. Kind of easy to see similarities to the US.

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