Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oman pictures

I hope to post pictures from the trip tomorrow. Deleting all the ones of those-who-shall-not-be-named is depressing and time consuming (to figure out how to create the narrative without those pics.)

I have no idea why two 45 year old men who have been traveling together for six years would be scared of having their pictures on my blog... A blog that - without using last names - nobody who knows them would ever find, anyway.

Update: Apparently, I'm the dumb one for not knowing that from the start. It should have been as obvious as "telling someone to tie their shoes."


  1. Steve,

    Clarification: Are you dumb for not knowing from the start that the pictures they posed in where unusable? And: Is it obvious to tell people to tie their shoes? I would never tell anyone to tie their shoes. (That is, until I have legitimate kids.)


  2. Yep, dumb that I didn't know from the start that the pictures would be unusable. The "tie your shoes" line is a direct quote. Since I'm obviously dumb I won't try to interpret it.

  3. Are they hiding something from people who know them?

  4. Or, are they hiding something from people who don't know them?

    (the plot thickens...)

