Friday, January 22, 2010

Not the worst news of the day

As a political geek I'm hard pressed to think of a week worse than this one. Today I got an e-mail from one of my conservative friends. The subject line read: The Dems. Without opening it I sent him this message
"I haven't opened your e-mail and probably won't until I'm back from vacation. I'm sure this will make you happy: This has been the most depressing week of my life following politics. Healthcare, Coakly, coporations can spend as much as they want to buy candidates... and now Bernanke's confirmation is in doubt? I'm sure you're loving it all."
If Obama's going to go down - a thought I didn't seriously entertain until this week - I'd like to see a Republican with a heart replace him. The Public Policy Survey has a new poll showing that for the first time a Republican that can beat Obama. The man? Mike Huckabee.


  1. Steve - Get some help, please, NOW! You don't mean it - I know you don't! Huckabee? I know it's been a terribly depressing week - but it will turn around. It always does.

    Okay, now I sound like Pollyanna. Sorry. But I can't bear to think of Huckabee as president...

  2. Great! The prospect of another bible thumper in the White House!!! Now is when we should REALLY be hoping polls are wrong.

  3. It is almost 3 years until the next presidential election. A LOT can happen in that time just remember!
