Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finals week

  • Root canal
  • Hemmorhoids
  • A strange burning sensation...
I'm making a list of all the things I'd prefer over finals week.

The pleas for help and explanations of why they hadn't done better all term becomes very taxing. I wish I could be a bad-ass and take joy in seeing their misery but I can't... even for those who deserve it.

American students never learned to grovel. Here it is a finely honed skill. It's only 1PM and my interactions with students has already left a cup of acid in my stomach. I have two more finals this afternoon.

I'd definitely prefer a root canal.


  1. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  2. Will the nice person let me know who s/he is?

  3. Matt Block must be from UAE

  4. Wow! I hadn't placed the similarity before, but you're on to something... although I don't think a Jewish guy would claiming to be from a Muslim country.

    Listening to the whining and complaining causes me to feel sick even when I know what they are saying is a load of bull.
