Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pass. The. Damn. Bill.

Blog post title taken from Andrew Sullivan.

I look forward to the State of the Union speech. Obama could call on House Democrats to pass the Senate bill with plans to reform the mistakes (or not, the senate bill is not bad). Or he could do some unity campaign to just pass the parts people like (totally not feasible).

Or he could ignore healthcare altogether and pivot to the economy and jobs.

I'd like to have hope but the gimmick of freezing the budget is ridiculous. It's the type of gimmick I expect from Republican administrations. It's very disappointing when it comes from my side. So, yeah, I have no idea what to expect in a couple of hours but I had better get some sleep to be up in 3 hours.

1 comment:

  1. As a life long Democrat, I am disappointed in the way our representatives have handled the health care reform bill, as it is a no-brainer that this has lead to the derailment. However, there still needs to be some level of reform - especially regarding the pre-existing conditions. I have been a healthy person my entire life, but by virtue of my kidney donation, I now have a pre-existing condition, and will be penalized if I ever have to seek private insurance. This will definitely be a factor when it is time for me to consider retirement (and the irony of it all, is that my recipient is a dyed in the wool Republican, who also would be up the creek if he lost his group insurance).
