Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I confess: Ten years I had no idea the iPod would revolutionize the way we listen to music. I thought of it as just another MP3 player... maybe a little easier to use than most but priced too high.

I will also confess that I have no idea if the iPad will be revolutionary or just a cool gadget that only early adopters will love. I do not see people using it to type (like the picture above). Having read all I can about the product it kinda feels like a SNL skit: "It's a giant iPhone! Way too large to carry with you everywhere, but where you do, you'll be telling people you're an Apple guy. No amount of money is too much to say that."

I can imagine buying this in a year when they've come out with the updated model. I like the lightness - 1.5 pounds - and if the battery is as good as they claim - 10 hours - then I could use this to teach. (My notes are on my computer.) I won't rush out to buy one, however, because most products' first edition have flaws.

Hmm. So I am curious if any of you think this will be a success. I can see a practical application for me but if I weren't teaching I wouldn't consider this.


  1. Where is the phone and camera??

    We heard Apple might call the tablet the iPad but dismissed it immediately, because really, no way Apple would go that route.

    Why? Ask any female.

    At least they didn't label the 64gb model the Maxi.

  2. Great comment! I was going to address the feminine hygiene product name in the original post but let it go. (If I had thought of the Maxi I'm sure I would have...)

    Now, please, sign your name!

  3. I'm a big Apple user (I-Pods, I-Phone) minus my home computer. I work in the software business and I need a PC at home to work.

    I don't see this going anywhere in my opinion, but I'm sure I'm wrong. I won't be going out to purchase one until the price drops
