Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why not skip the final?

My classes have taken five quizzes plus a midterm. I know their abilities. I know that the final on Monday will not change many grades. Finals rarely do.

I also know that I can't cancel it. Why? First, I'd like to stay employed. Second, students expect a final. I've received numerous e-mails from students wanting extra credit, extra work, etc. My response: "The final is worth 30% of your grade. If you do well it will raise your grade."

It's not likely to make a difference, unless students here are very different.

At Hamilton I had over 500 students per year for five years. Of those 2500+ grades assigned I doubt more than 10 saw a full letter grade change because of the final. Less than 100 saw a change to a "+" or "-".

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