Sunday, January 11, 2009


In this country you don't rent a cart to get your stuff back to your car. You rent a worker to put the stuff in a cart to take to the car for you.

The charge for the cart/worker was $5. For that $5 he was our cart guy for an hour. We were done shopping. It took a little time to find the car, maybe 10 minutes... I paid the guy $6.50. I thought a $1.50 tip was gold because because his total time with us was under 20 minutes. He could walk back and collect another fare while still on our clock.

He stood looking as forlorn as anyone I've ever seen. The Steve that arrived in this country probably would have tacked on another $2.50 or $5 just for the look. Instead I laughed and said, "Get real." As we pulled away he continued looking at us like I had just stiffed him.

The guy will be happy to know that his look will bother me for quite a while. I keep thinking, "I did not cheat you. I paid you $5 for 20 minutes. I tipped you. I know most of your customers do not tip. Why in the hell did you give me that look and keep giving me that look?"

How do I know that most of their customers don't tip? In the short time I've lived here I've come to realize that America is the most tipping country on earth. The notion of tipping the person who cuts your hair, brings the food to your table, dry cleans your clothes, or takes your Global Village purchases to your car simply doesn't cross other peoples' minds. And that's why the guy's look bothers me. Dude, you helped for 20 minutes. I gave you a tip. Why are you looking at me like I kicked your dog?

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