Friday, January 16, 2009

It's all about me

I invite friends to a bar. I am excited to go to a real bar, as opposed to the crappy hotel bars in Al Ain. The friends read the blog; they know my life. My goal was to learn about what's been happening with them for the past 5 months. What do we talk about? Me, of course.

The more appropriate question is "What does Steve end up talking about? The answer: All the stuff I can't put on the blog... I guess I need to start a different subscription based blog.

They did get cool Yak wool hats from Nepal. That must be worth something. I guess I'll find out the next time I come home and invite them to come out.

I didn't even bring a camera to get a picture of them in their cool Yak wool hats. How lame is that?

It is now 1AM Iowa time... or 11AM in the UAE. I have stayed up all night into the next day. I'm glad to know my insomnia pays off once in a while.


  1. A subscription-based blog would be nice! Then you won't have to like turtles so much!

    Of course people are going to want to hear what it's like to live in a foreign country and what you've been doing for the last 5 months - you've been living an exciting life (you may not think so - but it sure beats the heck out of -27 degree temperatures!).

    If you can brave the cold, we'd love to see you up here in the Northern country (aka Minnesota)! I know you've traveled a long way - but if you get a chance, we'd love to see you!

  2. I totally still lurk here. Steve, if you end up with a free night, let me know.

