Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Deprivation makes the heart grow fonder

I am not ashamed to say I spent $40 on bacon.  I ate a pound yesterday and I ate a pound today.  The remaining three pounds is in the fridge.  This city has been out of bacon for 3 months.  I was getting the bacon shakes and a cold sweats every time I thought of bacon mashed potatoes.

Oh, my 2011 diet starts next week.  Fortunately, on a low carb diet I can have bacon.

If you did the math $40/5 pounds = $8 per pound of bacon and thought, "Wow, is that really the price?"  The answer is, "Yes, sadly, it is."


  1. Did you eat a whole pound in one sitting? I think I just threw up in my mouth. I like bacon as much as the next person, but a couple of pieces at a time.
