Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Behind the curve

Now that is clear to everyone in the world that Mubarek will not be able to remain in power the White House has publicly asked him not to run again in September.

Huh?  September?  There's no chance this guy will be president through September.  Everyone except someone in the White House and the yes-men reporting to Mubarek knows that.

It strikes me that the White House has been two steps behind facts on the ground each and every day of this crisis.  I hope - as both a Democrat and an American - that we learn in the next couple of weeks that they've been more pro-active behind the scenes.

Update:  Please, please tell me the Obama White House and Secretary of State Clinton didn't tell Mubarek, "Just say you won't run again in September.  Yeah, that will work."

1 comment:

  1. In all the news reports I have heard throughout the day and evening, I have NOT heard anything even remotely similar to that. What I have heard is that he may step down by the end of the week. In any event, he has announced he will NOT run again.
