Saturday, February 26, 2011


I was curious if the blog is dominated with posts about Sri Lanka if the ads would correspond with travel, Asia or something like that.  Apparently not.  On the blog I see ads for Walden University everyday and Groupon is pretty common.  People in the US reported Netflix ads.  Sandy received an ad about watching Speaker Boehner.  Somewhere Google's adsense detected that Sandy is political and should get a political ad.

But since she was simply reading my blog and has not commented much politically on my blog, how did they know to give her a political ad?  

I didn't learn much about adsense.  I still don't know how they pick which ads that appear or why.  Or why some ads pay well and others pay nothing.

Another, particularly gratifying element:  91 unique visitors came to the blog yesterday but there were 224 page loads.  What does that mean?  It means that people came, read a post or two, and then came back later to read more.  That seriously makes my day.  Now if I could only schedule more 3 day trips to surrounding countries the blog would be so much more interesting...

Updated:  Edited on advice from a friend.

1 comment:

  1. It is offering me Luxury Sri Lanka tours!

    Luxury. That sounds nice.

