Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good day/bad day

Good day:  I found out I get to teach summer school.

Bad day:  A student asked if I was 60 years old.

What makes that even worse?  Yesterday I spent $100 on a chemical peel.

I think I should get my money back.


  1. Does this mean you won't be home until late July or early August? I miss you.

  2. I miss you, too, anonymous! It's been soo long! :)

    I will most likely be flying home on August 3 and staying until September 2. I am not buying the ticket yet because I might be able to stay an extra week.

  3. Maybe you just need a great big zit in the middle of your forehead...

  4. Congratulations, by the way, on getting to teach summer school.

  5. Mim, why did you congratulate him on getting to stay over there another two months instead of coming home?

  6. Sorry, we both want him home, but I know he wouldn't be a happy camper.
