Friday, November 19, 2010


This is a stretch of road everyone from Benton county is familiar with.  It is a flat piece of paved road that goes on for more than a mile.  I know at one time it was popular place to drag race.  I wonder if that's still popular in the age of the internet.


  1. Okay, Mom and Dad, obviously, I have never participated in drag racing, because I have no idea where this is!
    But this is NOT flat - The road upon which George collided with the tractor looks like the Salt Flats compared to this.

  2. From our house it is on the Shellsburg-Vinton road. This picture is taken just off of 218. I remember there used to be markers for 1/4 mile and 1/2 mile from the gravel road intersection near the top of the picture... obviously for drag racing.
