Saturday, September 5, 2009

Psst, here's the story the Russians can't read

Imagine a government lying to its people as a prelude to war. Oops. We already have seen that.

Imagine a government bombing its people as a prelude to war. Two years after Chechens signed a peace agreement with Russia they mysteriously started bombing Russia. A new article in GQ makes a persuasive case that it was the new version of the Russian KGB that was responsible. Vladimr Putin, the new prime minister, saw value in whipping up nationalism in his country that it was worth it to bomb his own citizens and blame it on the Chechens.

Now GQ's publisher is so scared of Russian backlash that they are not allowing it to be published on the website and are not allowing any press on the story of any kind.

The only way I could read the story was from scanned pictures of the actual article.

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