Saturday, September 27, 2008

For my former students...

On the first day of the Political Economics class I told my students, "There are three items on every test:  Define fiscal policy, monetary policy and know the name of the chair of the Federal Reserve.  If you leave a class in political economy without knowing these I have failed you.  Again, it will be on every test..." By the time I repeat myself students usually pick up a pencil and start writing.
In last night's debate Senator McCain twice referred to the "fiscal crisis".  He either misspoke or he does not understand the definition of the term. 
All-in-all I thought the debate was pretty good for both sides.  I often wonder how the world would be different if Al Gore had been president.  When I see McCain I wonder how the world would have different if he had received the nomination in 2000. 

1 comment:

  1. Off the top of my head, i list these, in order of how sure I am that it's correct.

    Ben Bernanke!

    Monetary: The amount of money in circulation, decided by the federal reserve.

    Fiscal: Policies relating to tax rates and borrowing.

